扭曲的铰链 精彩片段:
1933 女巫角(Hag's Nook)
1935 三口棺材(The Three Coffin)
1936 阿拉伯之夜谋杀案(The Arabian Nights Murder)
1938 扭曲的铰链(The Crooked Hinge)
1939 绿胶囊之谜(The Problem OfThe Green Capsule)
1940 失颤之人(The Man WhoCould Not Shudder)
1941 连续自杀事件(The Case of the Constant Suicides)
1944 至死不渝(Till Death DoUs Part)
1946 耳语之人(He Who Whispers)
1947 菲尔博士率众前来(Dr.Fell Detective and Other Stories)
1965 撒旦肘之屋(The House at Satan's Elbow)
1968 月之阴(Dark Of The Moon)