- 异站-(1956)-Stranger Station
- 星际病院-(1957)-Sector General
- 造访者-(1958)-The Visitors
- 毛皮-(1958)-Pelt
- 怪物-(1958)-The Monster
- 失去大海的男人-(1959)-The Man Who Lost the Sea
- 完满-(1959)-Plenitude
- 时间的声音-(1960)-The Voices of Time
- 宇航员-(1960)-The Astronaut
- 咎由自取-(1962)-The Squid Chooses Its Own Ink
- 2BRO2B-(1962)-2BRO2B
- 谦逊的天才-(1969)-A Modest Genius
- 复仇之日-(1965)-Day of Wrath
- 手-(1965)-The Hands
- 黑暗-(1963)-Darkness
- “忏悔吧,小丑!”嘀嗒人说-(1965)-"Repent,Harlequin!"Said the Ticktockman
- 九百个祖母-(1966)-Nine Hundred Grandmothers
- 百万日-(1966)-Day Million
- 会学习的身体-(1953)-Student Body
- 没错,还有蛾摩拉-(1967)-Aye,and Gomorrah
- 机器殿堂-(1968)-The Hall of Machines
- 柔软的时钟-(1968)-Soft Clocks
- 三个摩德兰人-(1971)-Three from Moderan
- 让我们拯救宇宙(伊乔·蒂奇的一封公开信)-(1971)-Let Us Save the Universe (An Open Letter from Ijon Tichy)
- 庞大而凝滞,甚于帝国-(1971)-Vaster Than Empires and More Slow