
The Crisis

-- On the dedication page of the rebellion, we see the words "To Clementine." A fine sentiment, miscellaneous organ music next, and, turning several pages, massed orange flags at the head of the column. This will not be easy, but neither will it be hard. Good will is everywhere, and the lighthearted song of the gondoliers is heard in the distance.

-- Yes, success is everything. Morally important as well as useful in a practical way.

-- What have the rebels captured thus far? One zoo, not our best zoo, and a cemetery. The rebels have entered the cages of the tamer animals and are playing with them, gently.

-- Things can get better, and in my opinion will.

-- Their Graves Registration procedures are scrupulous -- accurate and fair.

-- Theres more to it than playing guitars and clapping along. Although that frequently gets people in the mood.

-- Their methods are direct, not subtle. Dissolution, leaching, sandblasting, cracking and melting of fireproof doors, condemnation, water damage, slide presentations, clamps and buckles.

-- And skepticism, although absolutely necessary, leads to not very much.

-- The rebels have eaten all the grass on the spacious lawns surrounding the Presidents heart. That vast organ, the Presidents heart, beats now on a bald plain.

-- It depends on what you want to do. Sometimes people dont know. I mean, dont know even that.

-- Clementine is thought to be one of the great rebel leaders of the half century. Her hat has four cockades.

-- I loved her for a while. Then, it stopped.

-- Rebel T-shirts, camouflaged as ordinary T-shirts by an intense whiteness no eye can pierce, are worn everywhere.

-- I dont know why it stopped, it just stopped. Thats happened several times. Is something wrong with me?

-- Closely supervised voting in the other cantons produced results clearly favorable to neither faction, but rather a sort of generalized approbation which could be appropriated by anyone who had need of it.

-- A greater concentration on one person than you normally find. Then, zip.

-- Three or four photographs of the rebel generals, tinted glasses, blond locks blowing in the wind, have been released to the world press, in billboard size.

-- Whenever I go there, on the Metroliner, I begin quietly thinking about how to help: better planning, more careful management, a more equal distribution of income, education. Or something new.

-- There have been mistakes. No attempt was made to seize Broadcasting House -- a fundamental error. The Household Cavalry was not subverted, discontented junior officers of the regular forces were not sought out and offered promotions, or money. . .

-- Yes, an afternoon on the links! Id never been out there before -- so green and full of holes and flags. Im afraid we got in the way, people were shouting at us to get out of the way. We had thought theyd let us just stand there and look or walk around and look, but apparently thats not done. So we went to the pro shop and rented some clubs and bags, and put the bags on our shoulders, and that got us by for a while. We walked around with our clubs and bags, enjoying the cool green and the bright, attractive sportswear of the other participants. That helped some, but we were still under some mysterious system of rules we didnt understand, always in the wrong place at the wrong time, it seemed, yelled at and bumping into people. So finally we said to hell with it and left the links; we didnt want to spoil anybodys fun, so we took the bus back to town, first returning the clubs and bags to the pro shop. Next, we will try the jai-alai courts and soccer fields, of which we have heard the most encouraging things.

-- Blocking forces were not provided to isolate the Palace. Diversions were not created to draw off key units. The airports were not invested nor were the security services neutralized. Important civilians were not cultivated and won over, and propaganda was neglected. Photographs of the rebel leaders were distributed but these "leaders" were actors, selected for their immense foreheads and chins and blond, flowing locks.

-- Yes, they pulled some pretty cute tricks. I had to laugh, sometimes, wondering: What has this to do with you and me? Our frontiers are the marble lobbies of these buildings. True, mortar pits ring the elevator banks but these must be seen as friendly, helpful gestures toward certification of the crisis.

-- The present goal of the individual in group enterprises is to avoid dominance; leadership is felt to be a character disorder. Clementine has not heard this news, and thus invariably falls forward, into the thickets of closure.

-- Well, maybe so. When I knew her she was just an ordinary woman -- wonderful, of course, but not transfigured.

-- The black population has steered clear of taking sides, sits home and plays, over and over, the sexy part of Tristan und Isolde.

-- We feel only 25 percent of what we ought to feel, according to recent findings. I know that "ought" is a loaded word, in this context.

-- Are the great bells of the cathedrals an impoverishment of the folk (on one level) or an enrichment of the folk (on another level), and how are these values to be weighted, how reconciled?

-- They wont do anything for the poor people, no matter who gets in, and thats a fact. I wonder if they can.

-- The raid on the okra fields was not a success; the rebel answering service just hisses.

-- Theres such a thing as a flash point. But sometimes you cant find it, even when you know how.

-- Our pride in having a rebellion of our own, even a faint, rather ill-organized one, has turned us once again toward the kinds of questions that deserve serious attention.

-- Is something wrong with me? Im not complaining, just asking. We all have our work, its the small scale that disturbs. Maybe 25 percent is high. They say hes one of the best, but most people dont need his specialty very often. Of course, I admit that when they need it they need it. Cattle too dream of death, and are afraid of it. I dont mean that as an excuse. I did love her for a while; I remember. His strategy is to be cheerful without being optimistic; Ill go along with that. Maybe we ought to have another election. The police are never happier than on Election Day, when their relation to the citizens assumes a calm, even jokey tone. They are allowed to take off their hats. Fetching coffee in paper cups for the poll watchers, or being fetched coffee by them, they stand chest out not too close to the voting machines in fresh-pressed uniforms, spit-polished boots. Bold sergeants arrive and depart in patrol cars, or dash about making arrangements, and only the plainclothesmen are lonely.

-- As a magician works with the unique compressibility of doves, finding some, losing others in the same silk foulard, so the rebels fold scratchy, relaxed meanings into their smallest actions.

-- I dont quarrel with their right to do it. Its the means Im worried about.

-- Self-criticism sessions were held, but these produced more criticism than could usefully be absorbed or accommodated.

-- I decided that something is not wrong with me.

-- The rebels have failed to make promises. Promises are, perhaps, the nut of the matter. Had they promised everyone free groceries, for example, or one night of love, then their efforts might have --

-- Yes, success is everything. Failure is more common. Most achieve a sort of middling thing, but fortunately ones situation is always blurred, you never know absolutely quite where you are. This allows, if not peace of mind, ongoing attention to other aspects of existence.

-- But even a poor rebellion has its glorious moments. Let me list some of them. When the flag fell over, and Clem picked it up. When the high priest smeared himself all over with bacon fat and was attacked by red dogs, and Clem scared them off with her bomb. When it was discovered that all of the drumsticks had been left back at the base, and Clem fashioned new ones from ordinary dowels, bought at the hardware store. When gluttons made the line break and waver, and Clem stopped it by stamping her foot, again and again and again.

-- When she gets back from the hills, I intend to call her up. Its worth a try.

-- Distant fingers from the rebel forces are raised in fond salute.

-- The rebel brigades are reading Leskovs Why Are Books Expensive in Kiev?

-- Three rebellions ago, the air was fresher. The soft pasting noises of the rebel billposters remind us of Oklahoma, where everything is still the same.

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