As yet this World was not, and Chaos Wilde
Reignd where these Heavns now rowl, where Earth now rests
Upon her Center poisd, when on a day
(For Time, though in Eternitie, applid [ 580 ]
To motion, measures all things durable
By present, past, and future) on such day
As Heavns great Year brings forth, th Empyreal Host
Of Angels by Imperial summons calld,
Innumerable before th Almighties Throne [ 585 ]
Forthwith from all the ends of Heavn appeerd
Under thir Hierarchs in orders bright
Ten thousand thousand Ensignes high advancd,
Standards and Gonfalons twixt Van and Reare
Streame in the Aire, and for distinction serve [ 590 ]
Of Hierarchies, of Orders, and Degrees;
Or in thir glittering Tissues bear imblazd
Holy Memorials, acts of Zeale and Love
Recorded eminent. Thus when in Orbes
Of circuit inexpressible they stood, [ 595 ]
Orb within Orb, the Father infinite,
By whom in bliss imbosomd sat the Son,
Amidst as from a flaming Mount, whose top
Brightness had made invisible, thus spake.
Hear all ye Angels, Progenie of Light, [ 600 ]
Thrones, Dominations, Princedoms, Vertues, Powers,
Hear my Decree, which unrevokt shall stand.
This day I have begot whom I declare
My onely Son, and on this holy Hill
Him have anointed, whom ye now behold [ 605 ]
At my right hand; your Head I him appoint;
And by my Self have sworn to him shall bow
All knees in Heavn, and shall confess him Lord:
Under his great Vice-gerent Reign abide
United as one individual Soule [ 610 ]
For ever happie: him who disobeyes
Mee disobeyes, breaks union, and that day
Cast out from God and blessed vision, falls
Into utter darkness, deep ingulft, his place
Ordaind without redemption, without end. [ 615 ]