

Sleepst thou, Companion dear, what sleep can close

Thy eye-lids? and remembrest what Decree

Of yesterday, so late hath past the lips [ 675 ]

Of Heavns Almightie. Thou to me thy thoughts

Wast wont, I mine to thee was wont to impart;

Both waking we were one; how then can now

Thy sleep dissent? new Laws thou seest imposd;

New Laws from him who reigns, new minds may raise [ 680 ]

In us who serve, new Counsels, to debate

What doubtful may ensue; more in this place

To utter is not safe. Assemble thou

Of all those Myriads which we lead the chief;

Tell them that by command, ere yet dim Night [ 685 ]

Her shadowie Cloud withdraws, I am to haste,

And all who under me thir Banners wave,

Homeward with flying march where we possess

The Quarters of the North, there to prepare

Fit entertainment to receive our King [ 690 ]

The great Messiah, and his new commands,

Who speedily through all the Hierarchies

Intends to pass triumphant, and give Laws.

So spake the false Arch-Angel, and infusd

Bad influence into th unwarie brest [ 695 ]

Of his Associate; hee together calls,

Or several one by one, the Regent Powers,

Under him Regent, tells, as he was taught,

That the most High commanding, now ere Night,

Now ere dim Night had disincumberd Heavn, [ 700 ]

The great Hierarchal Standard was to move;

Tells the suggested cause, and casts between

Ambiguous words and jealousies, to sound

Or taint integritie; but all obeyd

The wonted signal, and superior voice [ 705 ]

Of thir great Potentate; for great indeed

His name, and high was his degree in Heavn;

His countnance, as the Morning Starr that guides

The starrie flock, allurd them, and with lyes

Drew after him the third part of Heavns Host: [ 710 ]

Mean while th Eternal eye, whose sight discernes

Abstrusest thoughts, from forth his holy Mount

And from within the golden Lamps that burne

Nightly before him, saw without thir light

Rebellion rising, saw in whom, how spred [ 715 ]

Among the sons of Morn, what multitudes

Were banded to oppose his high Decree;

And smiling to his onely Son thus said.

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