来源:David Goodsell, courtesy of the RCSB PDB "Molecule of the Month"
来源:2010 Photo Researchers, Inc. (all rights reserved)
来源:Frederick Murphy, from the PHIL, courtesy of the CDC
来源:2010 Photo Researchers, Inc. (all rights reserved)
来源:courtesy of Graham Colm
来源:courtesy of Willie Wilson
来源:courtesy of Dr. Venugopal Nair and Dr. Pippa Hawes, Bioimaging group, Institute for Animal Health.
来源:from the PHIL, courtesy of the CDC/ C. Goldsmith, P. Feorino, E. L.Palmer, W. R. McManu
来源:Cynthia Goldsmith, from the PHIL, courtesy of the CDC/ P. E.Rollin
来源:Cynthia Goldsmith, from the PHIL, courtesy of the CDC
来源:Frederick Murphy, from the PHIL, courtesy of the CDC
来源:courtesy of Dr. Didier Raoult, Research Unit in Infectious and Tropical Emergent Diseases (URMITE)