The Dead Father 精彩片段:
An outpost of civilization or human habitation. Dwellings in neat rows back to back to back to back. Children at play on roofs.
Where are the streets? asked the Dead Father.
There appear to be none, said Julie.
Perhaps tunnels in the earth?
Or maybe they squeeze between the houses, making themselves all teensy-weensy and not forgetting to gaze into the windows as they pass.
It is Planning, said Thomas, a New Town. One must achieve the rim to be killed by auto.
Circulation is not a big thing here, said a stander-by. Why is that man, that one of you, the distinguished-looking one, being dragged? What has he committed? Why are those nineteen puffing and sweating away, on the cable? Why are you three not puffing and sweating away on the cable? I do not understand your table of organization.
He is a father, said Thomas.
Terrible news, said the man, you cant bring him in here.
He is fatigued. We are fatigued. We can pay.
Youll have to deballock him and wipe your feet on the mat, said the man, whose face contained beardescules at odd points, such as the lips and center of the forehead. Do you need a deballocking knife? Scissors? Razor? Paper cutter? Shard of glass? Letter opener? Fingernail clippers?
He is a sacred object, in a sense, Thomas said. No more of your bubblegum. Which way is the flophouse?
There are two, the citizen said. The good one and the bad one. The bad one has the best girls. The good one has the best paté. The bad one has the best beds. The good one has the best cellar. The bad one has the best periodicals. The good one has the best security. The bad one has the best band. The good one has the best roaches. The bad one has the best martinis. The good one has the best credit cards. The bad one has the best table silver. The good one has the best views. The bad one has the best room service. The good one has the best reputation. The bad one has the best fa?ade. The good one has the best chandelier. The bad one has the best carpet. The good one has the best bathrooms. The bad one has the best bar. The good one has the best Dun & Bradstreet. The bad one has the best portraits. The good one has the best bellmen. The bad one has the best potted plants. The good one has the best ashtrays. The bad one has the best snails. The good one has the best postcards. The bad one has the best breakfast. The good one --
Between the good one and the bad one, Julie said, there appears to be little choice.