
Desiree's Diary(Book One)_Chapter 17 December 1, 1804: The Imperial Princess


Desiree's Diary(Book One) 精彩片段:

Chapter 17 December 1, 1804: The Imperial Princess

Julie was right. The Pope has come. Tomorrow he will crown the Emperor, and the Empress too.

The imperial family have been practicing the ceremony for several days. Yesterday the marshals wives had to join them. As soon as we arrived, a quarrel started.

Joseph said: "His majesty the Emperor wants five ladies to carry the ends of the Empresss robe. He has given this honour to the Princesses Julie and Hortense, and to his three sisters."

"I refuse," said Elisa angrily. "His Majesty can throw me out of France, like poor Lucien. But Im not going to carry her robe."

"Nor am I," shouted Paulette.

Joseph tried to persuade them, but he didnt choose his words wisely. "Julie and Hortense are imperial princesses, " he said, "but they dont refuse."

"Imperial princesses indeed!" Caroline screamed at him. "We are the Emperors sisters. Why arent we imperial princesses? Are we less important than Julie, the silk merchants daughter, and Hortense, the daughter of this--- of this---" Caroline couldnt find a word that was rude enough for Her Majesty the Empress Josephine.

"Ladies, ladies, please!" Joseph begged.

Then a soft voice behind him said: "Can we practise the procession now?"

The Empress Josephine had come in quickly. We all curtseyed to her. She was wearing a long white table cloth. Because her robe wasnt ready yet.

"Please take your places for the procession," Joseph said. "Her Majesty is ready."

Yes. Her majesty was ready. But Elisa wasnt. "Her Majesty can stand on her head, if she likes. But Im not going to carry her robe," she said.

There was a sudden silence. The emperor himself had come in. we curtseyed again. Then Caroline began:

"Your majesty, we dont---"


This book is the dairy of a French girl who lived in the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. She was a real person. So were others who come into her story. Their names appear in the history books of Europe; but there they are dead people ----- and in Desiree's diary they are alive.

Here we can see, through a woman's eyes, how history was made. She was there. She knew the men and women who made it. She almost married Napoleon himself.

No one really understood him. Not even Desiree. She hated his wars; but she never hated the man. He has no heart, she said. And she was sorry for him, because love and peace had no place in his life. In her own life she found true love, with Jean Bernadotte. But in those days a soldier's wife had little peace, especially if her husband dared to quarrel with Napoleon.

Some people write their diaries every day. Others only write then when something important happens. Desiree's diary is of the second kind. It only covers the most important times in her life.

The first half of her story is told in this book.


翻译:Arnold Bender E.W.Dicke


Desiree's Diary(Book One)》最热门章节:
1Chapter 24 June 1810: What Did those Swedish offic2Chapter 23 December 1809: The Empress Josephine Ha3Chapter 22 October 1809: Jean's Strange Conversati4Chapter 21 June 1807: At Marienburg Castle5Chapter 19 Two weeks Later: A Dance At The Opera H6Chapter 18 December 2, 1804: The coronation7Chapter 17 December 1, 1804: The Imperial Princess8Chapter 16 May 1804: France Has An Emperor9Chapter 15 March 1804: The Noble Families Have Ret10Chapter 14 November 9, 1799: Napoleon Governs Fran