重点所在 精彩片段:
“A Poet's Prose” was written as an introduction to Marina Tsvetaeva, (Virago Press, 1983).
“Where the Stress Falls” appeared in , June 18,2001.
“Afterlives: The Case of Machado de Assis” is the foreword to a reprinting of (FSG/Noonday Press, 1990).
“A Mind in Mourning” appeared in the , February 25,2000.
“The Wisdom Project” appeared in , March 16,2001.
“Writing Itself: On Roland Barthes” is the introduction to , ed. Susan Sontag (Hill and Wang, 1982).
“Walser's Voice” is the preface to Robert Walser, , ed. Susan Sontag (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1982).
“Danilo Kiš” is the introduction to Danilo Kiš, , ed. Susan Sontag (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1995).
“Gombrowicz's ” is the foreword to a new translation of Witold Gombrowicz, (Yale University Press, 2000).
“” is the foreword to a new translation of Juan Rulfo, (Grove Press, 1994).
“” was published in Spanish translation in a National Tourist Board of Spain catalogue, “Espaa: Todo bajo el sol,” in 1985; it has never before appeared in English.
“A Letter to Borges,” written on the tenth anniversary of Borges's death and published in Spanish translation in the Buenos Aires daily , June 13,1996, has never before appeared in English.
“A Century of Cinema” was written for and first published in German translation in , December 30,1995.
“Novel into Film: Fassbinder's ” appeared in , September 1983.